Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Beard Year
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A moment that must be shared Part 3
Tej has typed:
"Tej: Dave and Dave aren't here who will I sit next to?
C: Darren's not here either.
T: Oh..."
Nick: I thought you said Darren was there.
Tej: Oh...yeah.
A moment that must be shared Part 2
C: Darren is.
T: Oh...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A not so long time ago, me and my ninja brother Nick.
We was hitchhikin down a long and lonesome road.
All of a sudden, there scurved a scurvy pirate.
In the middle
Of the road
"Wriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite the best blog post in the world
Or I'll eat your souls"
Me and Nick, we looked at each other...
And we said.....OK.
And I dreamt the first post that came to my head
It just so happened to beee
The best post in the world
It was the best post in the world!
Needless to say
The pirate was stunned
Snick-snack went his pirate sword
And the pirate was done.
He asked us
"Be you angels?"
And we said
"Nay, we are better than that. We're ninjas!"
This is not the greatest post in the world
This is just a tribute
Couldn't remember the greatest post in the world, no
Cos I dreamt it and I usually don't remember my dreams
And the peculiar thing is this my friends
The post that I dreamt that fateful night
It actually wasn't anything like this at all!
This is not the greatest post in the world
This is just a tribute
Couldn't remember the greatest post in the world, no
Cos I dreamt it and I usually don't remember my dreams
This is just a tribute!
You gotta believe me!
And I wish you were there!
Just a matter of opinion.
Good blog, motherblogger, so surprised you can't stop me now!
On fire, yes I'm really on fire, rich motherblogger compare simultaneously
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
New shiny stuff
The top bar is black. Much more ninja.
The yellow slogan has changed.
But, the biggest change of all is the new ratings system. At the end of every post you can say how awesome, meh, or crap the awesomeness you just experienced was.
Want something else to be updated? Tell us via (that's French for by) comments.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I'm a rebel
I catch busses with only a vague idea of where they're going.
I sometimes speak to randoms.
I go on websites I'm not supposed to at school.
I pirate movies.
I sometimes play cricket without a box.
I've been to a skate park.
I sometimes listen to profane music.
I stand right next to the microwave sometimes.
Occasionally, depending on several factors, I speed up when I approach orange lights.
I take out my USB without pressing the safely remove button.
I listen to my iPod at a "hazardous" level.
When crossing the road, I look left, then right, BUT NOT left again.
I drink milk a day after the expiry date.
I watched MA15+ films before I was fifteen, WITHOUT adult supervision.
I occasionally question laws.
I've once said "Arrr me hearties".
I have long showers.
I've been late for something, ON PURPOSE.
I've wasted time writing blog posts about my rebellious exploits.
I sometimes write blog posts without adding labels.
But not in this case.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Ninja Wars: Tragedy and Happiness
This is Nick, reporting from the outskirts of Sniper Valley, where I am about to strike and find Ninja Tej, who has been taked captive by a man who we thought would be nice. He was nice. TOO nice. If you know what I mean.
Anyway, I'm back to a healthy weight now, all that rolling has made me healthy. This laptop that I'm writing this post on fell out of my rolls of fat as they melted away. Alright, I'm going in.
Phew, just went in and out. All there that was in there was a note. It read:
"To the place you must go
Where the ninjas know
I'vea got Tej! Meowhahahahahaha!"
Time to go to Ninja HQ and find Tej!
Alright, I'm on the hill looking at Ninja HQ. It's dark inside. There's a cat or something in the window. HOLY CRAP SNIPER
*dodge dodge*
"Nick, you're here! But how!"
"I absorbed the magical energy of Dias' bullets"
"Woo! He's over there, go kill him! I'm tied up! Not that that would stop me, I'm a ninja, it would be easy, I'm just lazy"
"Wait, he's the cat?"
"U srs?"
"I'm scared of him. Those claws have done terrible, unspeakable things to me!"
Tej here, describing the kill. Sniper Dias can't see Nick coming.
"Meow" *pew* "Meow"
"Meow...with my....final.....dramatic....moment of life....I have just activated the SUPA SATELLITE to destroy this place! Meowhahahha.....hahaha....hahaha..."*dies*
With a perfect ninja throw of the shuriken, Nick cuts the diamond-adamantine alloys constricting Tej, and they dive out of Ninja HQ just as...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
People Orlando Bloom Owned
2. All of the pirates in Pirates of The Carribian
3. Nick
Yes it was a fateful day when Ninja Nick and Guitar Hero Kate made a wager upon the relationship status of Miranda Kerr. But this tale can only be told in a poem.
Twas a grim day in ninja HQ
Hold on, what rhymes with HQ?
Nick was dreaming of Miranda Kerr
When he was told to stop thinking about her.
Guitar Hero Kate declared "She is taken"
Ninja Nick was shaken.
Miranda Kerr was taken by who?
Orlando Bloom, its true.
Nick refused to believe and made a wager
Kate agreed and nothing good rhymes with wager.
Two pieces of Aztec gold was the value agreed
Would Nick be right or would Kate feed her greed?
Now I am sick of writing the poem so I'll tell you Guitar Hero Kate was right and Nick was wrong. Miranda Kerr is going out with Orlando Bloom. And this is the tale of how Ninja Nick was Owned by Orlando Bloom.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
This blog has nothing to do with anything
Monday, October 20, 2008
A moment that must be shared
Tej: So, Dave, it's just me and you.
Dave: And Darren.
Tej: Oh.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Ninja Wars: Disaster on the High Seas of Awesomeness
Firstly mine, for those who do not know, I was sent to the Chicken Kingdom to eat Daarvid's army of chicken minions. Unfortunately, there was much more than I thought. I became morbidly obese after eating 500 chickens, and the remaining 500 rolled me away while saying "ROLLY POLY BAWK BAWK ROLLY POLY".
Webcam shot of Ninja Nick typing this blog
"MUHAHAHAHA! I have you now Ninja Nick!"
"You've had me for a few weeks now. And why are you typing into the computer?"
"Uhhhh, I don't know. Oh wait, how about it's so all your fantastic readers know that YOU ARE ABOUT TO DIE"
Yay! I have just rolled over and crushed Daarvid! Hooray!
Now to roll to Sniper Valley for the next exciting installment!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
20 Public Holidays that need to be invented
19. International "I just wanna day off day" day.
20. International "Screw you, boss. I'm taking the day off no matter what you say about some randoms' on the Internet's days" day.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The pirates shall never win...
Many eons ago, in 2003, some great ninjas claimed December 5th as "International Ninja Day". This post is just a public decree to the masses of this day. We shall celebrate it as it approaches.
That is all.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A letter to the Bloggers Choice Awards officials
In my travels, I recently came across your website, www.bloggerschoiceawards.com. Initially, I was delighted to find it, otherwise I don't think we would've been able to access our extremely large cash prize.
HOWEVER, I was extremely disappointed, shocked, and sort of gassy, when I found no mention of our wonderful blog. NOT A SINGLE MENTION. When I searched "Awesome Adventures", NOT ONE RESULT TURNED UP :'( . Then, when I went to nominate us, the sign-up form failed to work. At this point I was raging, and even more gassy. I thought "HOW DARE THEY MENTION THESE LESSER, UNINTELLIGENT, AND NINJA-LACKING BLOGS AND NOT OURS!". Then, I stormed over to our blog, and started writing this letter. I was going to abuse you, and talk about how I'm going to MEGAHAXX into your website and change all the votes. But then, I had a realisation of the truth.
Of course, there is a perfectly good reason you didn't mention our blog. We were such obvious winners, it would be unfair to place us amongst the lower citizens of the blogosphere. So, we automatically win, and the "winner" is actually second. Of course!
So to surmise, thank you good sir/madam. Thank you for giving all the other blogs some self-esteem. We shall take our payment in Ninja Dollars. (1 Ninja Dollar = Infinity US Dollars). That is all. Looking forward to getting our prize.
Nick and/or Tej
Ninja Masters of the Blogiverse
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Ninja Wars: The Chickenman Strikes Back
We thought that after our previous conquests, we had seen the end of him. How wrong we were.
He had returned, in bird form.
Tej: "But I'm a vegetarian"
Nick: "You'll have to get a sniper then. I guess you have to go to Sniper Valley, and seek the aid of Master Sniper Dias."
TO BE CONTINUED: Will Nick be able to eat that much chicken? Does Sniper Valley even exist? Why does Daarvid have an excessive amount of alcohol?
TUNE IN NEXT TIME ON: Ninja Wars: The one where Daarvid gets defeated AGAIN
A letter to Mitcham Council
I have a bone to pick with you. In the past couple of millenia, you have been busy naming roads. Although your creative skill lacks the ability to come up with good names (eg Ninja Lane) you do have the ability to name things incorrectly. I am currently in battle with Guitar Hero Kate and the Gorge Gang and you had the nerve to call what is clearly the mushroom farm a gorge! No, write exclamation mark, Nick. No don't write that. STOP IT!
Why would you claim it to be Gorge Road when it should be Mushroom Farm Avenue. If this trend of treason continues, I will come...and murder your pets.
Tej and/or Nick
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Mac: The True Story
We have salvaged this from the Apple archives.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A T-flavoured limerick
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ninja Wars: Revenge of the Daarvid
Until recently, this website was a impenetrable fortress of the Internet. Alas, all was not well. Daarvid was up to his usual tricks. Using his elite army of minions, shown below, Daarvid hacked into the blog and rigged a poll!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Ninja Wars: Attack of the Nerds
After a grueling mind battle, that lasted infinity hours, we came out on top due to the power of ninja. After winning the Scroll of Everlasting General Knowledge,we fled the scene with our booty, and celebrated for many days.
Sadly, we had to leave Guitar Hero Kate behind to the naked men. Also, Corporal Punishment spontaneously combusted and never seen again. If you have seen either of these brave adventurers, please email tejandnick@live.com
Monday, August 11, 2008
MSN bash: Round 1
A says:One about my quest to find The Big Knights DVD:
u ready to maths things up tomoz?
B says:
A says:
im psyched for tit
B says:
yes, ur psychied for the tit
A says:
shit *it
Nickkk says:
im lookin 4 the big knights
Nickkk says:
and the closest i've got is a similarly named porn movie
The next one needs context. I was invited into a mass convo with a bunch of randoms. After jsut watching a while, I decided to have some fun. (I'm Nickkk)
5 ??JOEL?? let the Bike WHIP YO PTBA foreva GO AUSTRALIA 5 says (8:50 PM): ok evryone who is on this write there first and last name
/*~*\_pAigE_/*~*\ *~* gAGe Ya mA boy... iM neVa gUna lEt u gO!! hArrY yA still mA bUtifuL bOy!!*~* says (8:50 PM):
paige illicevs
-----::{l<-@-T-3}::----- says (8:50 PM):
kate williams lol
#47 Tyson #47 Elly is a mad dog and the coolest person out ilytashh is a legend] says (8:50 PM):
tyson williams
___R@c)-(___ says (8:50 PM):
rachel frost
5 ??JOEL?? let the Bike WHIP YO PTBA foreva GO AUSTRALIA 5 says (8:50 PM):
joel newton
Nickkk says (8:50 PM):
Nick Doestoyvosky
-----::{l<-@-T-3}::----- says (8:50 PM):
who da hell
5 ??JOEL?? let the Bike WHIP YO PTBA foreva GO AUSTRALIA 5 says (8:50 PM):
yea who
Nickkk says (8:50 PM):
u dont rememba me
Nickkk says (8:51 PM):
5 ??JOEL?? let the Bike WHIP YO PTBA foreva GO AUSTRALIA 5 says (8:51 PM):
5 ??JOEL?? let the Bike WHIP YO PTBA foreva GO AUSTRALIA 5 says (8:51 PM):
were you from
Nickkk says (8:51 PM):
as if, we talked today
Nickkk says (8:51 PM):
James says (8:51 PM):
whos nick?
Nickkk says (8:51 PM):
but im an exchange student
5 ??JOEL?? let the Bike WHIP YO PTBA foreva GO AUSTRALIA 5 says (8:51 PM):
um what grade
Nickkk says (8:51 PM):
5 ??JOEL?? let the Bike WHIP YO PTBA foreva GO AUSTRALIA 5 says (8:52 PM):
which home group
Nickkk says (8:52 PM):
ummmm....all of them
Nickkk has left the conversation.
Keep sending 'em in to tejandnick@live.com
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
I'm gonna bash you
MSN bash.
We all know people say the stupidest and hilariousest things on MSN, but htere is nowhere to share the wonderful things people say. Until now. Here on the blog.
If you email your MSN funnies to tejandnick@live.com we will publish the best of em every week or so. We'll hide names, unless they're needed for the joke to be funny.
Support it, and send in the instant laughs
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The day we chose our own adventure, Part One
You wake up. When you look outside and two stones start attacking you. Who you gonna call? If you call the Ghostbusters, go to 1. If you call Chuck Norris, go to 2.
The Ghostbusters are 40 y.o men with flashy vacuum cleaners. How can they help? You die. Game over.
Chuck Norris picks up a bird and hurls it. The stones are defeated. Chuck Norris is the only man who can kill two stones with one bird. Go to 3, brave warrior.
All of a sudden a bomb falls out of the sky. The code is the last digit of infinity, and the last digit of pi. Who you gonna call? Batman, see 4. Chuck Norris, see 5.
Batman tries to work on the bomb, but he is distracted by Robin's homosexual gestures. Batman screws up. You die. Game over.
Chuck Norris quickly counts to infinity, twice, just to double check. He then calculates pi to infinity places. "The last digit is 4...and 2!" The bomb is disarmed. You live. Go to 6.
A blizzard then hits your house. You begin to get frostbite. Who you gonna call? A doctor, see 7. Chuck Norris, see 8.
Unfortunately, when we said "doctor" we meant "reindeer". Reindeer can't help. You die.
You're in luck, because Chuck Norris does not get frostbite. Chuck Norris bites frost. You live. Go to 9, liver.
9. Suddenly German fighter planes appear on the horizorn. Who you gonna call? Superman, see 10. Chuck Norris see 11.
16. Dr. McPantsthief is actually MC Pantsthief, and undercover agent for MC Hammer. They kill you. You die. Game over.
17. Chuck Norris is the only person who CAN touch MC Hammer. MC Hammer activates Emergency Hammertime, but to no avail. Chuck Norris wins. You live. Go to Part 2. When it comes.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Nick's review of Get Smart, The Dark Knight, Black Sheep
Black Sheep:
Baa-d movie (Lol, pun). I have blocked it out of my memory because of its lack of excellence. The zombie sheep gag dies quickly, and this movie is unnecessarily extremely gory. And so many plot holes. One good point is a sheep farting and blowing itself up. (WTF you think). Level 4. Pretty shite.
Get Smart:
A classic movie that perfectly lives up to the classic TV show. Steve Carell nails Maxwell Smart, and stapling heads are brilliant. Only problem was Tej's extreme loudness while eating and laughing. Level One.
The Dark Knight:
Tej got this one wrong. It is not awesome, it is MEGAAWESOMEWTFBBQBATMANRULLESSWOO!!!! awesome. One of the greatest movies I have ever seen. Everything was near perfection. Heath Ledger, Batman, Morgan Freeman, the non-aging guy from Lost, and the rest of the actors owned. Storyline: Owned. Action: Owned. Ownage: Owned. It owned. You see, Tej's problem was his expectations were set too high. And now yours are, after reading this. Hit yourself in the head repititively several times to forget you read this review, and now go see it. Or I will hit you more.
Tej's Review of Get Smart, Kung Fu Panda and The Dark Knight
This movie was awesome! As a fan of the TV show this movie had to live up to big expectations and it did! Get Smart was hilariously funny. I could barely breathe because of the amount of laughing I was doing. This movie should definitly be watched. One of the best level 1 films in existence.
Kung Fu Panda:
It was a brilliant idea to have a panda doing kung fu. This movie had Potential. I'm a ninja and I also hold a blackbelt in taekwondo so any movie which involves martial ars automatically holds my attention. However even though the kung fu scenes were awesome, the comedy was basic and unfunny. Because of this I give Kung fu Panda a level 3.
The Dark Knight:
This movie cannot have a bad review. I did prefer Batman Begins, but the Dark Knight was a close second. This movie contained so much awesomeness that those watching whould be bleeding awesomeness for a week. This movie is a level one and those who do not go and watch this film do not deserve to have eyeballs!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Did you know....
Friday, July 11, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Tale of 78 Punches
One Friday last
A Friday in the past
There was two men
A ninja and a man of common-en
Who were watching a game of skill
Which lacked thrills (because it was soccer)
However, a bet was made on this fateful day
Would a kick be made or not, ay?
The ninja said miss, the common man said goal
Two pieces of gold were placed upon the bet...oal
Then there was a kick, the common man looked like a dick
'Cos the kicker was quite shite
And the ninja showed off his might
But he introduced an alternative option
A different pay concoction
"It is well known that one gold piece is worth thirty-nine punches
So how about I supply seventy-eight arm crunches?"
The common man, a total fool, totally agreed
And then us ninjunks made this creed
We instructed the ninja legends known as Tej and Nick
"Put the punches remaining count on your blog, or you'll get the flick (from our society of ninjas)"
So there it lays, counting down
Giving the commoner a constant frown
Nick's review of Kung Fu Panda
The opening scene was like something out of the blog, with hilarious lines that I thought I came up with, but then the comedy went all down hill. DO NOT see this movie if you want to see a comedy, unless you're a 11-year-old boy who loves 90 minutes of fat jokes.
However, if you want to see an entertaining kick-ass animated kung fu film, Kung Fu Panda is the movie for you. The action scenes are full of ninja ownage, with many moves coming out of the textbook of Ninja.
It also fits the description of a typical kung fu movie. Average plot, awesome locations, awesome fight scenes, philosophical quotes, a praying mantis that performs acupuncture, a turtle that explodes into flower petals, and lame jokes.
I don't know whether to give it a level 4 (for the comedy) or level 2 (for the action). So I averaged it out to a level 3.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Birthday Blog
But fear not young (or not so young) non-ninja people because Ninja Nick and Ninja Tej have this message for you.
"You will always lose the battle against time, as you are not ninjas/Doctor Who, however in recognition of this mighty feat we invite you to join the masterful ninja bloggers in the next poll!"
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
A letter to Nick's mum
I have a bone to pick with you. You are hindering the blog by refusing to allow Nick to adventurise with the rest of us. The pain and sadness which you are thrusting upon me is causing the blog to die! I know you are the mother of a ninja blogger but that does not make you a ninja. Only a ninja master who has finished reading the internet may produce any sort of excuse to stop the blog.
I believe you should seek the approval from the Jedi council to visit Dr. McNinja who will declare you sicker than Hannibal Lecter for attempting to disembowel the blog.
Yours sexily,
Mr. Guitar Hero Kate ..........well really...Tej ..........not really..........yes really
Monday, June 23, 2008
Nick's review of V for Vendetta
V is a cool character. V. cool.
Plot is potentially realistic (I like it how they DON'T think we'll be in flying cars and on Mars in fifty years time), and this makes it more interesting. V. interesting.
Special effects are special. V. special.
Can't be V. bothered writing a V. big review, but it is one of the V. best political films I've seen.
A V. Level 1.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tej's review of Gattaca and Waking Life
I also had the great pleasure in watching Gattaca. Although the film is over 11 years old it is a film for the ages. This film managed to give me 106 minutes of pure awesomeness. With a strong storyline and actors to match I would recommend that all of our viewers watch this film. Ethan Hawke, Jude Law and Uma Thurman do this movie justice. For the first time ever on the blog I award Gattaca a level 1.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The day we encountered the dancing bear
It all started with this crazy dancing bear, who was stalking us in cyberspace.
We were chased by him all over cyberspace, with him rampaging through the Web in his taxi.
"I'ma gonna get you Tej and Nick! Muahahahahahaha!"
We couldn't trust the psychiatrist, so we kept running. But then we got bored and just started dancing with animals. How is that insane?!? Can you see us in the corner? Of course not, we're ninjas!
Stupid psychiatrist...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Mirror, mirror on the wall...
Arnie and the Rock said "We've always thought we were the strongest people in the world, but we've never had it confirmed"
Jessica and Angelina then said "We've always thought we were the sexiest women in the world, but we've never had it confirmed either"
George and Brad said "We've always thought we were the sexiest men in the world, but we've never had it confirmed, just like you guys"
Then Arnie said "Why don't I check my magic mirror I've got from the set of Conan? That'll reveal the answers!" So Arnie, went away for a little while and asked the magic mirror everyone's question.
A few hours later, he returned.
"Alright, me and the Rock are the strongest guys.....Angelina and Jessica are the sexiest women.....
but I have no idea who Tej and Nick are!"
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
20 Best Moments In The History Of The Universe
2. The invention of ninja
3. The birth of Tej and/or Nick
4. The invention of awesomeness (by Chuck Norris in the year 10000 B.C.)
5. The birth of Chuck Norris
6. The invention of the number 6
7. The creation of the blog
8. The invention of your mum
9. The invention of Star Wars
10. The invention of the toilet
11. The times Tej and/or Nick saved the universe (Of course, there were more than twenty, but listing them all would take too long)
12. The invention of food
13. The invention of words
14. The invention of hair (but not red hair)
15. Our birthdays (feel free to email us presents)*
16. The day you read the blog. (that's right you specifically)
17. The invention of weekends. We remember the times when there were no weekends. A single week would continue for eternity without ending!
18. The invention of people
19. The invention of pick up lines (note: lines such as "I'm not the hottest guy here but I'm the only one talking to you" are extremely effective)
20.The invention of shuriken aka ninja stars (the most awesome weapon that has ever been thought off)
*viruses do not count as presents
P.S. Happy birthday to Nick from a while ago
P.P.S. happy birthday to Guitar Hero Kate from recently
P.P.P.S. Happy birthday to Tej in advanced
P.P.P.P.S Happy birthday to you for whenever
Friday, May 30, 2008
Busk off details...
We instructed her that if she agreed, all she had to do was leave a comment. She left four. Eager.
We have decided that because she commented four times, she wants a Best Of Four busk off series.
The conditions are:
1. Every week we shall busk at opposite ends of Rundle Mall for four weeks
2. If it is two all, we have a final tie-breaker.
Kate, if you're ready, leave a comment. If you're not ready, still leave a comment. (yes, that's right. You can't get out of this)
Monday, May 26, 2008
The return of Daarvid: Part 3
Our constant feud with Daarvid had reached breaking point. It was time to make the final move. Time to wash his brain of evil. With a deadly brain-washing sponge.
We sat in Ninja HQ (known to commoners as the Mac Lab), formulating a plan.
"Alright, I'll grab him. You cut his head open and steal his brain."
"Sounds like a plan."
We then whistled innocently as we approached him. He was totally convinced that we were acting innocently.
"Oh look, it's my arch-nemises Tej and Nick, but they're just whisting innocen-"
"Now Tej!"
*grabbing noises*
"Nooooo! I was totally fooled by your plans"
"Yes you were! Now watch as I cut open your head and steal your brain for maximum washing!"
"Hahahahah! My brain won't be caught that easy! BRAIN-LEGS ACTIVATE!"
And then to our surprise, Daarvid's brains suddenly got up and leapt away with robotic legs!
"Tej get the detergent!"
Nick then washed the brain with a sponge and scrubbed off his evil tendencies, and educated him in they ways of the ninja.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
A message for Nick
1.I give an accurate representation of what I think and I don't fill the whole review with the word AWESOME.
2. I don't fall in love with every movie like you do. Nick I accuse you of being a movie whore!
3.I don't ruin movies for readers.
That is why Nick, my reviews (not cynical but accurate) are better than yours.
Nick's Review of Indiana Jones 4
First of all, if you want a realistic movie, do not see this. Go watch a documentary. If you want to see a movie that totally pushes the boundaries of reality, but then breaks the boundaries of AWESOMENESS see Indy 4.
That fact should become obvious when you see Indy survive a nuclear explosion by hiding in a fridge. But then cue a great movie with an interesting plot, constant awesome action scenes, amazing music, and an awesome cast (e.g. Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Shia LeBeouf, John Hurt, Alan Dale, and Janitor from Scrubs).
If I had any criticism it would be that Sean Connery wasn't in it. Disappointing, Sean. Some of you won't like the fact that the movie is about aliens and spaceships and Indy being Mutt's father and other spoilers.
Anyway, right up there with the originals. Level ONE. P-p-p-platinum Indy!
Tej's Review of Indiana Jones 4
Kwatchii- the sound of hearing a whip crack. Music to my ears, well it used to be. The new installment of the Indiana Jones series has left me bitterly disappointed. If you want action I would recommend you go and watch this film, however if you want a good story line keep away. The ending is the greatest let down in the history of the blog. An alien ship taking off at the end of a movie set in the 1960's? Spielberg must be running out of ideas because I' m pretty sure that was how E.T ended. However as mad as I am at the end of movie, I was pleased for 85% of the movie. Everything up to the last 15 minutes was worth watching so i would recommend walking out just before it ends. I would rate Indiana Jones 4 a level 3, worth watching, but only once.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A public challenge
We challenge you to a challenge that it has never been seen in the world of challenging.
Not a dance-off, not a ninja-off (because we would obviously win), but a..............
The prize for the winner unless it is Guitar Hero Kate shall be all the busk money....and a square metre of the Planet Guitaro Omicron IX (or if Kate defies the scientific Laws of Awesomeness, Planet Ninjitsu IV).
Be there, or not be there!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The day I proposed to a billboard
Many Earth weeks ago, Tej and Nick went on a quest to find Tej a ninjaette.
He wore his finest penguin/ninja/James Bond suit, armed with an arse.....nal of pick up lines such as
"I'm Batman"
"You're beautiful. Can you cook and clean too?"
"I may not be the best looking guy here but I'm the only one talking to you"
For some unknown reasons, Tej's charms weren't having their usual effect.
Then Ninja Nick decided he needed to be much more epic. A beautiful warrior woman was standing still as a calm lake on the horizon.
This conversation followed:
"Tej, ask her out! No wait, propose to her!"
"Good idea Nick!"
"Wait! It's just a billboard!"
"Oh well, this is best chance I'll ever get of getting a true ninjaette!"
As Tej approached the mysterious warrior woman he saw that she was in fact a poster of one of the stars from TV's Gladiators!
Tej didn't let her lack of life or breathing or movement get to him. He knelt down and in his awesome ninja style he said:
"Destiny, greatest of the Gladiators will you marry me!"
Throughout the whole ordeal, Destiny's expression, appearance, and general behaviour was exactly like this:
Nick held his breath.
By-standers were speechless with awe.
Tej felt as if he was about to explode...
Tej came back to Nick....without the Destiny billboard beside him.
"Oh well, she didn't say no."
"No, she didn't Nick and that's good enough for me."
On a sidenote, Nick then married the Gladiator, Thunder, and had ninja/Gladiator children with her.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Nick's Review of Iron Man
But first, congratulations go to Tej for resisting his cynical urges on his review of Deja Vu.
Anyway, Iron Man is one of the many Marvel superhero films of recent times. It had a lot to live up to, with it being in the same boat has Spiderman, X-Men, and Blade. But then if they're in a boat, Iron Man is in an ocean liner. Cos it's awesome. Very awesome.
The special effects were awesome, especially the Jericho missile scene and the dogfight. (Planes fighting, not dogs). Having "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath was also awesome. The plot was surprisingly interesting. It had hilarious lines. And the Iron-Man-goes-around-owning scenes were pretty cool.
But I do have criticisms. One, they spent too long on suit-designing-and-building scenes. They were very annoying eventually, and especially seeing as we had to sit through two of them. This ties in with my second criticism: there weren't enough Iron-Man-goes-around-owning scenes (and too many suit building scenes). For those of you who have seen it, did you realise there's only about three scenes when he owns people in the suit? And the last criticism is that it was left TOO open for Iron Man 2. We don't have any confirmation if any of the villains died. It didn't finish on a cliffhanger, but it didn't finish on a resolution either. Oh, I have one more. I wanted crossovers with other Marvel superheroes. Apparently in a deleted scene they reveal that Stark Industries built Doc Ock's super-arms from Spiderman 2. WHY WOULDN'T YOU KEEP SOMETHING AWESOME LIKE THAT!!!
Anyway, I'm looking forward to Iron Man 2, and the rest of the Avengers series. At the end of the credits (not that I hung around), Samuel L. Jackson comes to Iron Man and says "Join the Avengers". The Avengers is the Marvel superhero team. It has Iron Man, the Hulk, Captain America, Thor, and Ant-Man. In the next few years all these heroes with have their own film and then finish off with a combined film. Schweet.
Anyway, Iron Man is a high level 2. Holy crap. That was a long review
Tej’s Review of Déjà Vu
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The day I fought a turnstile
It started with a quite train trip. Too quiet. We got off the train and blended in with a crowd of school children and accompanied them on their excursion, to hide from evil pirates and assassins and pirate assassins.
But they were working for pirates, and trapped us like a moth in a bath. Although we escaped their clutches, and we wouldn't be safe until we were back on the train. Although, first a tram trip was needed. The tram almost left before Guest Ninja Mark had to get coffee and return in a blink of an eye.
We ran through the train station, until Tej confronted one of his many arch-nemesises. The turnstile.
This conversation followed:
"Jiminy jilickers Tej! It's one of your arch-nemesises, the turnstile!"
"You go on Nick, I'll take this battle"
"But you'll miss the Train of Destiny!"
"No I won't. Believe in me, Nick"
"Okay." Tej then leant in for a passionate k......arate kick to the turnstile's head.
Although, Tej's battle plan was flawed because turnstiles don't have heads. This caused the battle to last longer than expected.
Nick had made the Train, and was hoping to see Tej's ninja speed come out of nowhere. But the train was moving!!!
Then out of nowhere, with bloodied blood and turnstile-related wounds Tej leapt through the doors, and lived to blog about the tale.
The return of Daarvid: Part 2
Hotmail on your mobile. Never miss another e-mail with
That was the email that started the war against Daarvid. The man who wants to shoot people who live in houses (because he's jealous cos of his cardboard box) sent us this email on the 13th May, 2008.
The email sucks because Daarvid can't spell, can't use grammar, has sold out, and he has returned from the nega-world where we sent him with our awesome ninja powers many eons ago. And he's pissed.
"I'ma gonna get you Tej and Nick!!!!!!!! Muhahahahahaha!!!!!"
The forces of awesomeness cannot fail. Otherwise, he will enslave us and force us to walk around topless while pointing angrily. If you don't want this to happen, send spam to this address: muscle_man_777@hotmail.com
The climax awaits. Next time on "The return of Daarvid": Daarvid is a jerk.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tej's Review of Shooter
With a dynamic start I hoped for a movie that would be worth watching but Shooter was successful at only getting worse as it went on. I barley made it through it and I feel no problem saying I would rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty fork than have to watch Shooter again. Mark Wahlburg brings a bit of light to a basic and bland story line. Danny Glover only succeeds in annoying people with the catastrophic lisp his character has. In total Shooter is a Level 4 at best.
The return of Daarvid: Part 1
We have recently been slanderised by the Dark Lord himself. A hairy Hungarian, Daarvid, who has not yet read 1984. He likes to kill puppies and children and child puppies. He is a constant jaywalker and watcher of pirate DVDs. Pirates are bad. He once travelled back in time to kill John Connor, until we stepped in and saved him.
But now, he has returned.....with an angry email.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Things to Do After We Die
2. Kill the pirate that got us
3. Try and unite ourselves with the Force (the Obi-Wan ghost thing)
4. Walk through a wall
5. Haunt an ice cream truck
6. Hook up with hot dead people
7. Find our heirs to the blog
8. Haunt the blog
9. Walk through people
10. Investigate the accuracy of The Sixth Sense
11. Say "I can see you" to people while they get changed
12. Propose to a billboard without getting weird glances (see here)
13. Walk around naked without getting arrested
14. Blog from beyond the grave
15. Bust out "phat beats" with significant historical figures (Abe Lincoln was quite the break dancer)
16. Jump off a cliff
17. Give our own eugoogolies
18. Haunt the internet
19. Challenge the Ghostbusters to a bust-off
20. Go around saying "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
Comment your own things to do after you die
Monday, May 5, 2008
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
The entire history of ninjas according to several posters
They then realised that cleaning sucks, so they began sneaking into parties...
So, the ninjas pulled out their PhDs and got Batman on their side...
The ninjas obviously won, and rocked out for the rest of history.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Don't put liquid nitrogen in ice cream...and then blend it.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Arch-Nemesis of the Week: David Stratton
David Stratton and his army of movie reviewing monkey minions.
Some of you are reading this and go "Hey, I know that guy!. He's a movie reviewer on At The Movies and writes for The Australian." (Of course, that's no one because first of all, no one reads this blog and second of all if you are reading this I doubt you're intelligent enough to watch the ABC or read the Australian)
Mr Stratton never seems to know what is and isn't a good movie. And neither do (most of) the people who comment on his website.
Let me take the only movie that's been reviewed here, Semi-Pro, as an example. He gave it one star out of five. He said "it's only funny if you think a wrestling bear is funny". Well Dave, it is! Now if you think that's a bad review, look at one of his minions, "nickael", who gave it five stars and said "best. movie. ever.". Idiot.
Other films he screwed over include
- The Bourne Ultimatum (2 stars)
- I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (1 star)
- Transformers (3 and a 1/2 stars)
- 300 (2 stars)
- Borat (3 stars)
- The Ringer (1 star)
- Pride and Prejudice (4 and 1/2) (he overrated this one, the rest underrated...obviously)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thoughts on a boring Friday night
In my thoughts, I use the word "so" a lot, but rarely speak it. I'll think "I'm so ninja" but I'll say "I'm ninja". Weird, huh? But that's off topic from the original blog's topic.
Oh wait, I don't have a topic yet. So I'll just sit here and think of one
*cricket noises*
Oh, "cricket", that reminds me. IPL starts tonight. For those of you who don't know what IPL is, it's a cricket tournament where the players get paid wheelbarrows of money to play in India for a few weeks. It's on in the middle of the night, which is brilliant, because I hate day compared to night. Tej is in India now I think, and he really should go to a game.
In other news, I'm beating a Mr. Sean in Dream Team atm, and none of my good players have played yet. You suck Sean. And I shall win the bet. I shall win all the bets. You may as well go into the future and give me my money now.
Speaking of "A long time ago in galaxy far far away", guess who won the poll Tej? That's right me. Episode Five wins! Hooray! Thank you to both of you for voting for it.
In other news, I chased a wild pig this week. Well, actually about ten wild pigs. True story.
Damn, I'm still bored.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Nick's Review of: Semi-Pro
Today, many things happened. The ninjas defeated some pirates in an epic battle, I saw Semi-Pro, and Tej proposed to a billboard, but that's another story.
Now Semi-Pro.
I went in expecting a movie that would give me a few laughs, and would perhaps slightly justify my $12. My expectations were fulfilled.
There were a lot of funny bits, (e.g. someone accidentally getting shot in the arm, a bear mauling several people (I'm not sick, but it was hilarious)) but for a Will Ferrell movie, it wasn't that great. Anchorman kicked ass, but this kicked...jejunum.
I would say average Level 3*. Not great, but not bad.
(Level 1 - all-time greats
Level 2 - Excellent films
Level 3- Average/typical films
Level 4 - Bad films
Level 5 - Films you never want to see EVER AGAIN)
Friday, April 11, 2008
The day i killed a dinosaur
......for the dinousaur
The angry Hungarian forces of dinosaurs had a key weakness. While Ninja Tej single-handedly fought 42 Triceratopsauruses Ninja Nick peed in their water supply. Bahahahahaha
They died seven days later of lead poisoning.
In other news...
Word of the Day: ace
I aced your mum, Dave H...
Ninja of the Week: Your mum (yes your mum Dave)
Conspiracy Theory of the Week: School Shirts are made of camel spider's faeces.
Opinion of the Week:
I only put out to ninjas - Kate