Sunday, June 29, 2008

Nick's review of Kung Fu Panda

The other day I saw Kung Fu Panda, or as I like to call it The Awesome Adventures of Tej and Nick if they were fat computer-generated pandas.

The opening scene was like something out of the blog, with hilarious lines that I thought I came up with, but then the comedy went all down hill. DO NOT see this movie if you want to see a comedy, unless you're a 11-year-old boy who loves 90 minutes of fat jokes.

However, if you want to see an entertaining kick-ass animated kung fu film, Kung Fu Panda is the movie for you. The action scenes are full of ninja ownage, with many moves coming out of the textbook of Ninja.

It also fits the description of a typical kung fu movie. Average plot, awesome locations, awesome fight scenes, philosophical quotes, a praying mantis that performs acupuncture, a turtle that explodes into flower petals, and lame jokes.

I don't know whether to give it a level 4 (for the comedy) or level 2 (for the action). So I averaged it out to a level 3.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kung fu panda only deserves a lvl 4...