Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ninja Wars: The Chickenman Strikes Back

Recently, we killed Daarvid in a spectacular fashion of brimstone and awesomeness.

We thought that after our previous conquests, we had seen the end of him. How wrong we were.
He had returned, in bird form.

"I'ma gonna get you Tej and Nick! Muhahahahahahaha"

We didn't recognise him, until he spoke. Then, we thought "We can take him", until we saw his Chicken Army 2.0."We'ra gonna get you Tej and Nick! Bawk Bawk Bawk Bawk"

Nick: "Haha. I eat chicken for breakfast."
Tej: "But I'm a vegetarian"
Nick: "You'll have to get a sniper then. I guess you have to go to Sniper Valley, and seek the aid of Master Sniper Dias."

TO BE CONTINUED: Will Nick be able to eat that much chicken? Does Sniper Valley even exist? Why does Daarvid have an excessive amount of alcohol?

TUNE IN NEXT TIME ON: Ninja Wars: The one where Daarvid gets defeated AGAIN

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