Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The day I proposed to a billboard

Greetings readers.

Many Earth weeks ago, Tej and Nick went on a quest to find Tej a ninjaette.

He wore his finest penguin/ninja/James Bond suit, armed with an arse.....nal of pick up lines such as
"I'm Batman"
"You're beautiful. Can you cook and clean too?"
"I may not be the best looking guy here but I'm the only one talking to you"

For some unknown reasons, Tej's charms weren't having their usual effect.
Then Ninja Nick decided he needed to be much more epic. A beautiful warrior woman was standing still as a calm lake on the horizon.

This conversation followed:
"Tej, ask her out! No wait, propose to her!"
"Good idea Nick!"
"Wait! It's just a billboard!"
"Oh well, this is best chance I'll ever get of getting a true ninjaette!"

As Tej approached the mysterious warrior woman he saw that she was in fact a poster of one of the stars from TV's Gladiators!

Tej didn't let her lack of life or breathing or movement get to him. He knelt down and in his awesome ninja style he said:

"Destiny, greatest of the Gladiators will you marry me!"

Throughout the whole ordeal, Destiny's expression, appearance, and general behaviour was exactly like this:

"(lack of sound)"

Nick held his breath.
By-standers were speechless with awe.

Tej felt as if he was about to explode...

Tej came back to Nick....without the Destiny billboard beside him.

"Oh well, she didn't say no."
"No, she didn't Nick and that's good enough for me."

On a sidenote, Nick then married the Gladiator, Thunder, and had ninja/Gladiator children with her.

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