Sunday, May 18, 2008

Nick's Review of Iron Man

Well, Iron Man. The man of iron. The Ironic Man. That is what I saw. And I shall review.

But first, congratulations go to Tej for resisting his cynical urges on his review of Deja Vu.

Anyway, Iron Man is one of the many Marvel superhero films of recent times. It had a lot to live up to, with it being in the same boat has Spiderman, X-Men, and Blade. But then if they're in a boat, Iron Man is in an ocean liner. Cos it's awesome. Very awesome.

The special effects were awesome, especially the Jericho missile scene and the dogfight. (Planes fighting, not dogs). Having "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath was also awesome. The plot was surprisingly interesting. It had hilarious lines. And the Iron-Man-goes-around-owning scenes were pretty cool.

But I do have criticisms. One, they spent too long on suit-designing-and-building scenes. They were very annoying eventually, and especially seeing as we had to sit through two of them. This ties in with my second criticism: there weren't enough Iron-Man-goes-around-owning scenes (and too many suit building scenes). For those of you who have seen it, did you realise there's only about three scenes when he owns people in the suit? And the last criticism is that it was left TOO open for Iron Man 2. We don't have any confirmation if any of the villains died. It didn't finish on a cliffhanger, but it didn't finish on a resolution either. Oh, I have one more. I wanted crossovers with other Marvel superheroes. Apparently in a deleted scene they reveal that Stark Industries built Doc Ock's super-arms from Spiderman 2. WHY WOULDN'T YOU KEEP SOMETHING AWESOME LIKE THAT!!!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Iron Man 2, and the rest of the Avengers series. At the end of the credits (not that I hung around), Samuel L. Jackson comes to Iron Man and says "Join the Avengers". The Avengers is the Marvel superhero team. It has Iron Man, the Hulk, Captain America, Thor, and Ant-Man. In the next few years all these heroes with have their own film and then finish off with a combined film. Schweet.

Anyway, Iron Man is a high level 2. Holy crap. That was a long review

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