Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Arch-Nemesis of the Week: David Stratton

The new arch-nemesis of the week is this guy:

David Stratton and his army of movie reviewing monkey minions.

Some of you are reading this and go "Hey, I know that guy!. He's a movie reviewer on At The Movies and writes for The Australian." (Of course, that's no one because first of all, no one reads this blog and second of all if you are reading this I doubt you're intelligent enough to watch the ABC or read the Australian)

Mr Stratton never seems to know what is and isn't a good movie. And neither do (most of) the people who comment on his website.

Let me take the only movie that's been reviewed here, Semi-Pro, as an example. He gave it one star out of five. He said "it's only funny if you think a wrestling bear is funny". Well Dave, it is! Now if you think that's a bad review, look at one of his minions, "nickael", who gave it five stars and said "best. movie. ever.". Idiot.

Other films he screwed over include
  • The Bourne Ultimatum (2 stars)
  • I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (1 star)
  • Transformers (3 and a 1/2 stars)
  • 300 (2 stars)
  • Borat (3 stars)
  • The Ringer (1 star)
  • Pride and Prejudice (4 and 1/2) (he overrated this one, the rest underrated...obviously)
That is why he gets "Arch-Nemesis of the Week" this week.

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