Friday, April 18, 2008

Thoughts on a boring Friday night

So it's boring Friday night, and I'm sitting here thinking "It's a boring Friday night, I should so write a blog".

In my thoughts, I use the word "so" a lot, but rarely speak it. I'll think "I'm so ninja" but I'll say "I'm ninja". Weird, huh? But that's off topic from the original blog's topic.

Oh wait, I don't have a topic yet. So I'll just sit here and think of one

*cricket noises*

Oh, "cricket", that reminds me. IPL starts tonight. For those of you who don't know what IPL is, it's a cricket tournament where the players get paid wheelbarrows of money to play in India for a few weeks. It's on in the middle of the night, which is brilliant, because I hate day compared to night. Tej is in India now I think, and he really should go to a game.

In other news, I'm beating a Mr. Sean in Dream Team atm, and none of my good players have played yet. You suck Sean. And I shall win the bet. I shall win all the bets. You may as well go into the future and give me my money now.

Speaking of "A long time ago in galaxy far far away", guess who won the poll Tej? That's right me. Episode Five wins! Hooray! Thank you to both of you for voting for it.

In other news, I chased a wild pig this week. Well, actually about ten wild pigs. True story.

Damn, I'm still bored.

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