Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The return of Daarvid: Part 1

Dear readers,

We have recently been slanderised by the Dark Lord himself. A hairy Hungarian, Daarvid, who has not yet read 1984. He likes to kill puppies and children and child puppies. He is a constant jaywalker and watcher of pirate DVDs. Pirates are bad. He once travelled back in time to kill John Connor, until we stepped in and saved him.

But now, he has returned.....with an angry email.



Anonymous said...

Oh my lord!

So many questions remain unanswered!

The suspense is positively killing me!

What email??? And who could "darrvid" possibly be???

p.s. why am I the only one that seems to be commenting on your blogs? Its as if they were unpopular or something...

Anonymous said...

p.s. Jedi