Friday, May 30, 2008

Busk off details...

Regular readers will know that we recently challenged Guitar Hero Kate to a busk off via blog.

We instructed her that if she agreed, all she had to do was leave a comment. She left four. Eager.

We have decided that because she commented four times, she wants a Best Of Four busk off series.
The conditions are:
1. Every week we shall busk at opposite ends of Rundle Mall for four weeks
2. If it is two all, we have a final tie-breaker.

Kate, if you're ready, leave a comment. If you're not ready, still leave a comment. (yes, that's right. You can't get out of this)


Anonymous said...

You know, youre realy starting to PISS ME OFF with this whole busk off fantasy you seem to have!

I will NOT fight you

I will NOT take part in such folly

I will NOT be impersonated on your blog!

Anonymous said...

shes agreed boys! :D