Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Firecops: Episode 1: Hell Hath No Fury Like A Firecop Scorned

NARRATOR: Fires. Crime. Both have been around since the dawn of man, but only recently has the technology emerged for criminals to combine them. Originally confined to Mongolian gang hideouts, criminal combustion, or as its known in the underworld "firecrime", is now a worldwide phenomenon. All over the world a need was seen to eradicate these new dangers. They were too dangerous for firemen, too dangerous for cops, but adequate for...


[Cue theme song. Lyrics are as follows:]
Don't stop!
Being cool!
Saving schools!
Finding killers comma serial!
Eating cereal!
Protecting the lake!
Making a cake!
Putting out Hades!
Getting ladies!
Meeting with Chief
and the Mayor!
While at the Great Barrier Reef
killing a bear!]

[Cut to local park. An old woman is playing with her dog]

NARRATOR: A safe, regular park on a safe, regular day...

[A dastardly villain enters from left, the woman is shocked]

NARRATOR: ...or is it?!?!?
WOMAN: Oh no! Not Dr. Frenchman!
"Oh haw haw!"

DOCTOR: I am here to steal your cat...
DOCTOR: Then pute le cat in le tree!
DOCTOR: And then light le tree on le fire! Which iz therefore both le criminal and le fireish!
WOMAN: No! But wait! I can call [get out phone, hits 1 on Speeddial, puts on a serious face] the Firecops!
DOCTOR: Sacre bleu!
NARRATOR: The woman's call alerts Firecop HQ...

NARRATOR: From which the mighty Firecopmobile emerges!

"Whoop whoop! Wee wah wee wah!"

[Cut to Firecopmobile pulling up, the Doctor is in the tree with the cat, while lighting it on fire. Yes, the cat. And also the tree. The woman runs over to the Firecopmobile]

WOMAN: Help me, Firecops!

[Slow, sexy music plays as the Firecops emerge from their car. They look like:

"Bitch please, I'm a firecop"

FIRECOP#1: Looks like things are...[takes off sunglasses]...heating up here.
FIRECOP#2: We'll have to...[takes off sunglasses] things down.
WOMAN: Thank the Lord! Please put out the fire and stop the criminal, but don't kill him...
[Here comes the twist!]
WOMAN: ...he's my son!
FIRECOP#1: I guess it's a...[takes off sunglasses] tree.

[The two Firecops get out their giant hose and squirt. The villian and cat are pushed out of the tree by its force. One of the Firecops cuffs the Doctor.]

FIRECOP#2: Time for you to go to your room...[takes off sunglasses] prison.

[Meanwhile, the tree falls over and sets the whole park on fire. The Firecops remain settled, but a loud voice behind them calls out]

FIRECOP#1: It's the chief!

[The Chief comes into shot. He is Captain Calrissian, the Chief of Police, currently working undercover as a pimp]

"This should be the work of my police force! I've had it with you meddling with our city!"

[Meanwhile, the Chief's younger brother, Chief Lando, Chief of the Fire Department, also notices the large fire that is in the park, and the Firecops putting it out. He is also working undercover, as a space cowboy.]
LANDO: FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEECOPS! I've had it with you putting out my department's fires!
FIRECOP#1: Chiefs, just because us, two bachelor vigilante cops slash firemen are doing a better job of running this city than you, doesn't mean you should deny us our rights as Firecops.
CALRISSIAN: If I wasn't undercover I'd smack you so hard...[takes off sunglasses]'d burn.
FIRECOP#2: We're Firecops...we don't burn.

[The pairs stare each other down. Until they are interrupted by the Mayor, who happens to be around, and is very angry.]

"Chiefs, Firecops! I've had it with your bickering. Emergency meeting at my office right now!"

[The parties head to the office: The Chiefs in their respective regular fire and cop vehicles, the Firecops in their Firecopmobile, and the Mayor in his stretch Hummer]

MAYOR: I've called this meeting for a very important reason.
FIRECOP#1: Don't keep us waiting, we've got firecrime to fight.
MAYOR: Very well, congratulations on everything, here's a medal.
FIRECOP#2: Thank you! Now, we've got to go get a stuck bucket off a kid's head. It just so happens the bucket was placed there by a DRUNK DRIVER.
MAYOR: Go, quick!
LANDO: Mayor, why do you support their shady activities?
MAYOR: The real question is: why don't you two? Remember...[takes off sunglasses]...we were Firecops once too.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Dear Citizens,

I have an issue with the world! And that issue is.... Alpuchetta restaraunt. Recently in an epic battle i developed a hunger and this hunger pained me on the inside. Ill be right back.....

*tej Flops it out*

*Tej re enters*

The waiters at Alpuchetta have one issue and that is their lack of a sense of humour. While trying to play Jedi mind games with their heads, i realised i can be a loud pretentious prick! Or it was their inferiour force abilities..

The adventure continued such that everytime said waiter entered the room, I would continue to tell a story which offten ended in a loud yelling of


None of these seemed to get any laughs internal of external from the waiter. And he then had the audacity to make the sly remark gesturing inappropriatley with his genitals to poke my eyes out.

All in all a good restraunt!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The time we went to an awesome food place

I have been recently criticised/paid out for the high level of intelligence displayed in the latest blog post. Apparently, this blog has no place for writers with a superb vocabulary. So, for you readers lacking intellect, I shall repost the latest post with more stupidity, just how you like it:

Here. After a long time of stuff in space where there is no Internet, such as Uranus, we have found a Internet machine. It would take too long to rambled about our space tales, like those against the Daleks (yes, they are real), so we give you an Earth tale of AWESOMENESS.

Our word-blog-writing-thing begins as we got near a building named Alaphutte's, which is Latin for "Latin". Then we said this:


We walked in, mooned some chicks, owned the waiters, and shook a guy until he woke up. Then it was time to find a table.

We sat with a Star Wars-themed party, thinking it was Jedis or something. Nick's spidey-senses tingled, as Darth Maul was there and there there were balloons. Nick and Tej were scared of balloons.

We ordered our pre-main meals, which were awesome. We then had the not-pre-main, which was also awesome. Then time for dessert, and had the Ninja's finest food: chocolate fondue. "Fondue" is French for Paris or something. We had a sword fight, which Nick, like the Wikipedia game, was undefeatable at. We then ate the fondue. And this is where it gets awesome.

Turns out Alaphutte is actually Latin for "Pirates". Believe it or not, the place was pirate-acious. And Daarvid wasn't even there. They made Nick's thinking thing hurt with bad ice cream, and Tej had an oopsy. But, fondue is awesome, which Tej spat out to get AWESOME NINJA POWERS. Tej then used these AWESOME NINJA POWERS to defeat the pirates of Ala-PHAIL-ette's and then teleported himself and Nick away to Ninja HQ 2.0

It was then decided that Tej and Nick were too awesome for that pirate-filled nom-shack, so the looking for an even awesomer gob-shop to sneak in and ninja-ise began...

Monday, May 4, 2009

The time we went to a fine restaurant

We're back. After many years of adventures in dimensions where there are no Internet, such as Jupiter and beyond, we have finally found a connection. Although it would take too long to discuss our interstellar adventures, such as those against the Daleks (yes, they are real), we have decided to remain on Earth for this tale of daring do.

Our tale begins as we approached a location named Alaphutte's, which is Latin for "Latin". The following conversation took place.

"Well, Tejbir, turns out Buzz Lightyear is evil."
"I told you, Nick. I can always predict the moral nature of action figures. Luckily, we were able to avoid his epic laser with ninja reflexes."
"All this talk about lasers is making me hungry."
"I share your opinion. Why, look at that fine eatery over there, that looks like a place where two refined citizens such as ourselves would partake in some sort of expensive meal."
"Why, their menu looks quite appetising. After you."

We entered the restaurant, wooed some ladies with our good looks (and posteriors), entertained the waiters with our witty banter, and resurrected a man who died in his chair. Then it was time to find a table.

We interrupted a Star Wars-themed party, mistaking it for a meeting of the Jedi High Council. However, Nick suspected it wasn't quite right, as not only was Darth Maul present, but there were several balloons. Nick and Tej had learnt to be weary of these helium-based lifeforms on their raid on the Planet Balloonus IV, and it's resident King of Balls.

We ordered our entrees, which were rather delightful dishes of various description. We then had the main, which also was up to our fine dining standards. It was then time for dessert, and we could not resist ordering one of the Ninja's finest foods, chocolate fondue. "Fondue" is French for "I'm quite fond of you, ninja". We took part in the customary fondue stick duel, which Nick, like the Wikipedia game, was undefeatable at. We then ate the fondue. And this is where it gets interesting.

Turns out Alaphutte is actually Latin for "Ahahaha, turns out we're pirates". Believe it or not, the entire establishment was run and managed by pirates. And Daarvid wasn't even there. They subjected Nick to brainfreeze with Antarctican ice cream from Antarctica, and Tej spilt some chocolate on himself. However, not even pirates could remove the holiness from fondue, which Tej drank a glass of and then spat out to summon AWESOME NINJA POWERS. Tej then used these AWESOME NINJA POWERS to defeat the pirates of Ala-PHAIL-ette's and then teleported himself and Nick away to Ninja HQ 2.0

It was then decided that Tej and Nick were too refined for that pirate-filled, mistranslating restaurant, so the search for an even fancy-pantsier establishment to infiltrate and entertain began...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tej's Other review of Quantum of Solace

In an epic/awesome adventure/movie going experience I went to go see James Bond, The Quantum of Solace. I went undercover in my best James Bond suit and met up with and awsome team of similarly dressed people- (not including Nick).

We snuck into the movie....

after paying for the tickets and enjoyed the awesomeness that is James Bond, Now while you may here stories about Captain Coffee falling asleep and Darrvid stealing Guitar Hero Kate's popcorn because he was bored, the only thing I can say is James Bond is awesome. While it is not the best James Bond movie, it is a James Bond Movie and therefore is automatically a level 2.

So to all those who say the movie is bad I have one message for you. I will hunt you down and HEADS WILL ROLL!

Tej's Reveiw of Quantum of Solace
