Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tej's Other review of Quantum of Solace

In an epic/awesome adventure/movie going experience I went to go see James Bond, The Quantum of Solace. I went undercover in my best James Bond suit and met up with and awsome team of similarly dressed people- (not including Nick).

We snuck into the movie....

after paying for the tickets and enjoyed the awesomeness that is James Bond, Now while you may here stories about Captain Coffee falling asleep and Darrvid stealing Guitar Hero Kate's popcorn because he was bored, the only thing I can say is James Bond is awesome. While it is not the best James Bond movie, it is a James Bond Movie and therefore is automatically a level 2.

So to all those who say the movie is bad I have one message for you. I will hunt you down and HEADS WILL ROLL!

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