Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ninja Wars: Disaster on the High Seas of Awesomeness

This is Ninja Nick, reporting from the Chicken Kingdom of the Chicken Lord Daarvid's Internet cafe/dungeon. Tej and I have not been able to access a computer terminal due to our current unfortunate situations.

Firstly mine, for those who do not know, I was sent to the Chicken Kingdom to eat Daarvid's army of chicken minions. Unfortunately, there was much more than I thought. I became morbidly obese after eating 500 chickens, and the remaining 500 rolled me away while saying "ROLLY POLY BAWK BAWK ROLLY POLY".

Webcam shot of Ninja Nick typing this blog

Tej's situation is worse though. Master Sniper Dias, who Tej was meant to get the Magical Sniper of Destiny that could kill Daarvidd off is actually a pedophile or something. I didn't quite understand his ninja-pathy message. All I know is there's chains, cream, and regular meetings. And he can't escape. I will go to Sniper Valley and rescue him! Oh no, Daarvid has entered the room! Why aren't I running/fighting? Oh wait, I'm morbidly obese.

"MUHAHAHAHA! I have you now Ninja Nick!"
"You've had me for a few weeks now. And why are you typing into the computer?"
"Uhhhh, I don't know. Oh wait, how about it's so all your fantastic readers know that YOU ARE ABOUT TO DIE"
Yay! I have just rolled over and crushed Daarvid! Hooray!

Now to roll to Sniper Valley for the next exciting installment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fuk u daarvid