Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A letter to the Bloggers Choice Awards officials

Dear Sir/Madam,

In my travels, I recently came across your website, www.bloggerschoiceawards.com. Initially, I was delighted to find it, otherwise I don't think we would've been able to access our extremely large cash prize.

HOWEVER, I was extremely disappointed, shocked, and sort of gassy, when I found no mention of our wonderful blog. NOT A SINGLE MENTION. When I searched "Awesome Adventures", NOT ONE RESULT TURNED UP :'( . Then, when I went to nominate us, the sign-up form failed to work. At this point I was raging, and even more gassy. I thought "HOW DARE THEY MENTION THESE LESSER, UNINTELLIGENT, AND NINJA-LACKING BLOGS AND NOT OURS!". Then, I stormed over to our blog, and started writing this letter. I was going to abuse you, and talk about how I'm going to MEGAHAXX into your website and change all the votes. But then, I had a realisation of the truth.

Of course, there is a perfectly good reason you didn't mention our blog. We were such obvious winners, it would be unfair to place us amongst the lower citizens of the blogosphere. So, we automatically win, and the "winner" is actually second. Of course!

So to surmise, thank you good sir/madam. Thank you for giving all the other blogs some self-esteem. We shall take our payment in Ninja Dollars. (1 Ninja Dollar = Infinity US Dollars). That is all. Looking forward to getting our prize.


Nick and/or Tej
Ninja Masters of the Blogiverse

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww...I hope you guys feel better about your lack of nomination. Or lack of mention.

I give you two thumbs up. That good enough?