Sunday, September 21, 2008

20 Public Holidays that need to be invented

We all enjoy public holidays and if we had more the world would be a better place so here are a few suggestions from some wise ninjas.

1. International Blog day- a day where people are given time off in order to improve thier blog.

2. International NO DAARVID day- this is for obvious reasons, nobody likes him.

3. International International Day.

4. International Star Wars day- So the geeks of the world can be easily identified.

5. International Kill the Pirates day. - Pretty self-explanatory

6. International Tej and/or Nick's birthday day- so you can celebrate with us.

7. International day- so you can have a whole day to read the blog.

8. International Awesomeness day- Note: this day already exists as International Ninja Day, but who doesn't want 2 days to celebrate the same thing.

9. International Day Day - To celebrate all the other days.

10. International Voting Day - A day off so we can decide who we want to vote for. (Note: this is for all acts of voting even when voting what to eat in the next meal).

11. International Chuck Norris Day-s (Also known as weekdays).

12. International Future War Memorial day (so we can mourn the souls lost in the great Ninja and Time Lords vs. Pirates and Daleks war).

13. International Ninja Turtles Day- In case Tej and/or Nick turn into teenage mutant ninja turtles.

14. International Tuesday- (so we can all celebrate tuesdays)

15. International "I'm Batman" day- the guy who doen't celebrate is obviously batman, so we will be able to discover who batman is.

16. International Capture The Pirates Day - In preparation for No. 5.

17. International "I ran out of ideas for days" day

18. Internationall "Think of new days" day.

19. International "I just wanna day off day" day.

20. International "Screw you, boss. I'm taking the day off no matter what you say about some randoms' on the Internet's days" day.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The pirates shall never win...

Many of you may know that the pirates have recently hijacked the day of September 19th to become "International Talk Like a Pirate Day". Of course, the ninjas would never let this victory of claiming a day be rested.

Many eons ago, in 2003, some great ninjas claimed December 5th as "International Ninja Day". This post is just a public decree to the masses of this day. We shall celebrate it as it approaches.

That is all.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Our pet

This is our pet, Mr. Fluffy. He is a true ninja.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A letter to the Bloggers Choice Awards officials

Dear Sir/Madam,

In my travels, I recently came across your website, Initially, I was delighted to find it, otherwise I don't think we would've been able to access our extremely large cash prize.

HOWEVER, I was extremely disappointed, shocked, and sort of gassy, when I found no mention of our wonderful blog. NOT A SINGLE MENTION. When I searched "Awesome Adventures", NOT ONE RESULT TURNED UP :'( . Then, when I went to nominate us, the sign-up form failed to work. At this point I was raging, and even more gassy. I thought "HOW DARE THEY MENTION THESE LESSER, UNINTELLIGENT, AND NINJA-LACKING BLOGS AND NOT OURS!". Then, I stormed over to our blog, and started writing this letter. I was going to abuse you, and talk about how I'm going to MEGAHAXX into your website and change all the votes. But then, I had a realisation of the truth.

Of course, there is a perfectly good reason you didn't mention our blog. We were such obvious winners, it would be unfair to place us amongst the lower citizens of the blogosphere. So, we automatically win, and the "winner" is actually second. Of course!

So to surmise, thank you good sir/madam. Thank you for giving all the other blogs some self-esteem. We shall take our payment in Ninja Dollars. (1 Ninja Dollar = Infinity US Dollars). That is all. Looking forward to getting our prize.


Nick and/or Tej
Ninja Masters of the Blogiverse