Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A moment that must be shared Part 3

During the composition of "A moment that must be shared Part 2"

Tej has typed:
"Tej: Dave and Dave aren't here who will I sit next to?
C: Darren's not here either.
T: Oh..."

Nick: I thought you said Darren was there.
Tej: Oh...yeah.

A moment that must be shared Part 2

Tej: Dave and Dave aren't here who will I sit next to?
C: Darren is.
T: Oh...

Thursday, November 13, 2008


This is the greatest blog post of all time's...............tribute.

A not so long time ago, me and my ninja brother Nick.
We was hitchhikin down a long and lonesome road.
All of a sudden, there scurved a scurvy pirate.
In the middle
Of the road

"Wriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite the best blog post in the world
Or I'll eat your souls"

Me and Nick, we looked at each other...
And we said.....OK.

And I dreamt the first post that came to my head
It just so happened to beee
The best post in the world
It was the best post in the world!

Needless to say
The pirate was stunned
Snick-snack went his pirate sword
And the pirate was done.

He asked us
"Be you angels?"
And we said
"Nay, we are better than that. We're ninjas!"

This is not the greatest post in the world
This is just a tribute
Couldn't remember the greatest post in the world, no
Cos I dreamt it and I usually don't remember my dreams

And the peculiar thing is this my friends
The post that I dreamt that fateful night
It actually wasn't anything like this at all!

This is not the greatest post in the world
This is just a tribute
Couldn't remember the greatest post in the world, no
Cos I dreamt it and I usually don't remember my dreams

This is just a tribute!
You gotta believe me!
And I wish you were there!
Just a matter of opinion.

Good blog, motherblogger, so surprised you can't stop me now!
On fire, yes I'm really on fire, rich motherblogger compare simultaneously

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New shiny stuff

Just a quick one to announce new stuff.

The top bar is black. Much more ninja.

The yellow slogan has changed.

But, the biggest change of all is the new ratings system. At the end of every post you can say how awesome, meh, or crap the awesomeness you just experienced was.

Want something else to be updated? Tell us via (that's French for by) comments.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm a rebel

You wanna know why?

I catch busses with only a vague idea of where they're going.

I sometimes speak to randoms.

I go on websites I'm not supposed to at school.

I pirate movies.

I eat cereal with a fork.

I sing along to musicals even when I don't know the words.

I let blind people cut my hair.

I stalked a tennis player to her car (and then ran away giggling).

I sometimes play cricket without a box.

I've been to a skate park.

I sometimes listen to profane music.

I stand right next to the microwave sometimes.

Occasionally, depending on several factors, I speed up when I approach orange lights.

I take out my USB without pressing the safely remove button.

I listen to my iPod at a "hazardous" level.

When crossing the road, I look left, then right, BUT NOT left again.

I drink milk a day after the expiry date.

I watched MA15+ films before I was fifteen, WITHOUT adult supervision.

I occasionally question laws.

I've once said "Arrr me hearties".

I have long showers.

I've been late for something, ON PURPOSE.

I've wasted time writing blog posts about my rebellious exploits.

I sometimes write blog posts without adding labels.

But not in this case.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ninja Wars: Tragedy and Happiness

PREVIOUSLY ON Ninja Wars: Nick is fat, Daarvid is dead, Tej has been kidnapped by a weird man named Sniper Dias

This is Nick, reporting from the outskirts of Sniper Valley, where I am about to strike and find Ninja Tej, who has been taked captive by a man who we thought would be nice. He was nice. TOO nice. If you know what I mean.

Anyway, I'm back to a healthy weight now, all that rolling has made me healthy. This laptop that I'm writing this post on fell out of my rolls of fat as they melted away. Alright, I'm going in.

Phew, just went in and out. All there that was in there was a note. It read:

"To the place you must go
Where the ninjas know
I'vea got Tej! Meowhahahahahaha!"

Time to go to Ninja HQ and find Tej!

Alright, I'm on the hill looking at Ninja HQ. It's dark inside. There's a cat or something in the window. HOLY CRAP SNIPER

*dodge dodge*

"Nick, you're here! But how!"
"I absorbed the magical energy of Dias' bullets"
"Woo! He's over there, go kill him! I'm tied up! Not that that would stop me, I'm a ninja, it would be easy, I'm just lazy"
"Wait, he's the cat?"
"U srs?"
"I'm scared of him. Those claws have done terrible, unspeakable things to me!"

Tej here, describing the kill. Sniper Dias can't see Nick coming.

"Meow" *pew* "Meow"

Wow, that was cool. So cool, I cannot describe it in words. Sucks to be you, you miss out.

"Meow...with of life....I have just activated the SUPA SATELLITE to destroy this place! Meowhahahha.....hahaha....hahaha..."*dies*

With a perfect ninja throw of the shuriken, Nick cuts the diamond-adamantine alloys constricting Tej, and they dive out of Ninja HQ just as...

"Whoa. That was crazy."
"Now we need a new Ninja HQ"
"We'll get a better one, with blackjack and hookers!"
"Where from?"
"Don't worry, I've got a place. It's this place where noone ever goes."
"Wow, you're right. No one will ever come here!"

Saturday, November 1, 2008